Monday, June 16, 2008

Practice camp

As I get older, I love the outdoors more and more. Cold. Hot. In between. If I could figure out a way to live outside, I just might give it a try.

So it's weird that my husband and I aren't the camping type. Sure, we'd like to be, but we didn't make the effort pre-kids and as any parent knows, picking up something like that post-kids can be impossible. For example, if you've got a kid who will barely sleep in a bed, how the heck are you supposed to get that kid to sleep in a tent!
This is the year we're going to really make an effort to do at least one camping trip. Now that our baby is 2, we're finally able to do things that seemed crazy just last year, like taking a train trip to Chicago that prepared us for the apocalypse.

Last night, we did a trial run in the backyard. By we, I mean my husband. And by trial run, I the real thing. Trial runs are great, because in case of failure, there's an easy escape hatch like a bedroom 30 feet away. And when you trial run, you realize the things you'll need for the real thing.

For instance:
  • Couch cushions are no substitute for a second air mattress. Waking up on a couple of askew cushions with two small children on top of you is not, apparently, a recipe for a good night's sleep.
  • If you're going to be getting a less than adequate night's sleep because of early risers and late downers (I realize that doesn't make too much sense, but bear with me), do not drink too much beer/wine and realize a hangover on just a few hours rest is something you do in your 20s.
  • While we had a television, house lights, loud stereo and fridge in our house, nature will probably have less of that stuff. Bring light.
See how useful our trial run turned out to be? Come on nature. We're ready!

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