Monday, August 18, 2008

Lazy imperfect days

For whatever reason (the heat, the sun, thoughts of fall right around the corner), it's hard for me to get motivated in August. For instance, I stop blogging and think, "Eh... I'll get around to it sometime next week, or maybe the next time it rains."

This lackadaisical approach to life (like spending way too much time and the pool and not contributing a weekly Fricipes entry) definitely creeps into my eco-world as well.

For instance, sometimes it's just easier to use the dryer then hang those tiny kid clothes on the line. The carpet smells vaguely like dog so it's easier to buy some chemical-laden carpet cleaner than research and make my own concoction. I just can't bear browsing garage sales for great deals and Macy's is having a one-day sale. One car trip to the mall won't end humanity, right!

So this week, I'll focus on my eco-flaws and maybe even a few fixes, just as a reminder that even the most perfect of moms (and here I'm referring to some other women I know) have moments of weakness.

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