Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One last rant

In today's local paper, The Pantagraph, there was an AP story about stay-at-home moms needing to stay closer to home. Oh, the woe. They can't just get in the SUV and drive to Target, whenever. They have to plan that trip in conjunction with a trip to playgroup.

The sacrifices these women make! I tell you. One mom says there's no way to go back to work. The hour commute would make it cost prohibitive.

It's just too much woe for one morning paper. I will say, living close to city center, taking public transit (yes! with your kids), walking, biking, eating at home, line drying, watching energy costs and not bitching about it would really be a welcome change of pace among this group. Instead of saying, "There's no time for poor old me," they could maybe be grateful they have, at their disposal, a means to teach their kids that energy is something we use with purpose. It's not our God-given right.

As I end this rant, I end this blog. I just don't have it in me to direct other people in the ways of green. There are much better outlets (Ideal Bite and Grist, for instance) for this information.

My whole idea of writing about green comes from a humorous aspect, much like writing about parenting. But unlike parenting, I've been able to pretty much master going green in just a few short years. No longer to I get flustered on the bus. No longer do I get stranded miles from home. No longer do I struggle with laundry.

So, I'll start blogging more on my original blog — My Dirty Little Secret — about my life as a mom who is constantly flustered. Of course the green will be there as well, but I'll leave the advide to the experts and, instead, try and document my little world, which is funny, loving, frustrating, unbelievable and green, all at the same time.

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